Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New year, new resolutions

A few years ago, a friend came to visit for New Year's and brought with her a beautiful tradition that my husband Richard and I continue to celebrate: we each light a candle and close the old year by briefly describing what we are proud of, and then voice our intentions for the new. My resolution that first year was to focus my writing - not on earning a living, which was crucial to me, but on accepting only those assignments that would allow me to learn something I wanted to learn or express something important to me. For a freelancer, I was making a perilous choice. Has it worked? That's the subject of my podcast for this week. Hear more (or read the text of the podcast) at my web site. (Click on the title of the podcast, and then once it has loaded, click on play arrow, the arrow facing right in the audio bar. Don't click on the word "start" - nothing will happen.)

I wish for you heartfelt resolutions and much joy in the year ahead!


Susan Gallacher-Turner said...

Thank you so much for sharing your new years resolution for last year, as well as the wonderful opportunities that came your way by taking a new risk. Isn't it interesting how moving in spite of fear, brings about so much joy.

Susan J Tweit said...

Fear seems like such a powerful impediment, but when we shine the light of our awareness on it, it so often evanesces, like frost when the sun's warmth hits it.

I'm a worrier, but I've learned to listen to my worries and my fears. I just sit with them and see what they have to say, as I would listen to any advisor, recognizing that what my worries fear may not be something I need be frightened of.

It's a powerful thing to learn that following one's heart, one's intuition, can bring such joy!